You may say I’m a dreamer…
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Keine Ahnung wie oft ich dieses Zitat in den letzten Wochen und Monaten ausgesprochen, gedacht oder geschrieben habe – irgendwann habe ich aufgehört zu zählen.... Read More
You may say I’m a dreamer… (english version)
At some point I stopped counting, how often I was saying, thinking or writing this quote the last weeks and months. In fact, it was... Read More
Ökotarischer Kochkurs – Vol. 1
Öko… Was??? Ja genau, richtig gelesen! Diese Woche veranstalteten wir in Kooperation mit dem BUND Leipzig einen „ökotarischen Kochkurs“. Der Begriff „ökotarisch“ steht zwar (noch) nicht im... Read More
Prague – (not only) beer and cucumber drinks
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old (Franz Kafka). Imagine there was a place where you can have it all –... Read More
Solar energy on the rooftops in Nicaragua
Nicaragua has a large potential for renewable energy uptake. Renewable resources could be used particularly in form of small solar plants for homes. The power grid would then not be used as the primary source of supply, but as a support for solar supply gaps. The overall aim is a reduction of fossil energy sources to reach the eagerly anticipated expansion of the energy supply – with the connection to the national power grid.
Green Low Budget Challenge – Letzte Worte
Unfassbar wie schnell ein Monat vorbei geht. Selbst dann, wenn man kaum Geld zum Ausgeben hat – so wie ich während meiner Green Low Budget... Read More
Green Low Budget Challenge – Final words
Amazing how fast one month goes by – even if you don’t have much money to spend since doing a green low budget challenge. Low... Read More
Taking the environment into account: the first step towards a greener growth
This article explains the concept of green growth and reviews the main purposes of environmental accounting. It delves into Latin America and the European Union, and discusses the state of green accounting implementation, the differences encountered in both regions, and questions the role of development cooperation in mainstreaming its use.
Why Landfills will always be Landfills
Shocking numbers are thrown around in abundance in the realm of conservation: the small amount of the Earth’s surface protected, the rate of tropical rainforest deforestation or terrifying species extinction rates. But ...
Cooperatives – The Anwser to increase Resilience?
The cooperative business model could provide farmers with the necessary capacities and economic independence to implement adaptation techniques to increase their resilience to climate change and at the same time improve their livelihoods.