
Biodiversity – explained in a nutshell

Biodiversity is a huge and extremely interesting field in natural science. However, here we will explain it asap (as short as possible).

Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth. It is a complex term and includes variations on genetic level, species level as well on ecosystem level.Thereby a species is a group of organisms that can interbreed (for instance dolphins, dogs, sunflowers…). But it is not only about the total number of different species on the planet or in a certain region. It is also about constellations, the relation between species and about species communities. In the end, it is the interaction of lifeforms that shapes life.

Biodiversity is extremely important for life. We all rely on it because it provides us food (e.g. via pollination) or medication (e.g. herbs, drugs), it regulates climate (e.g. tropical forests) and nutrient cycles; and on genetic level it prevents diseases and drives adaptation. All life on Earth is interlinked and depends on each other. If one species get losts, it impacts many more. For instance, we are dependent on crops, crops are dependent on bees and other on pollinators – and if the bees get extinct, we lack food. This is why Biodiversity is important.

For more information check this article or watch this short video:

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photo: pixabay

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