Solar energy on the rooftops in Nicaragua
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Nicaragua has a large potential for renewable energy uptake. Renewable resources could be used particularly in form of small solar plants for homes. The power grid would then not be used as the primary source of supply, but as a support for solar supply gaps. The overall aim is a reduction of fossil energy sources to reach the eagerly anticipated expansion of the energy supply – with the connection to the national power grid.
Taking the environment into account: the first step towards a greener growth
This article explains the concept of green growth and reviews the main purposes of environmental accounting. It delves into Latin America and the European Union, and discusses the state of green accounting implementation, the differences encountered in both regions, and questions the role of development cooperation in mainstreaming its use.
Why Landfills will always be Landfills
Shocking numbers are thrown around in abundance in the realm of conservation: the small amount of the Earth’s surface protected, the rate of tropical rainforest deforestation or terrifying species extinction rates. But ...
Cooperatives – The Anwser to increase Resilience?
The cooperative business model could provide farmers with the necessary capacities and economic independence to implement adaptation techniques to increase their resilience to climate change and at the same time improve their livelihoods.
Windward Islands: Community Energy for Rural Growth in the Caribbean
Can a tiny island off the rain-soaked coast of Scotland provide the key to unlocking a more sustainable future for the Caribbean economy? Discover how the green energy revolution could lead the region’s rural communities forward, onward and upward together.
What comes next – a patent on air?
The topic I want to talk about here isn’t new or unheard of, but it is a red hot issue – and has been for... Read More
Wollt ihr als nächstes die Luft patentieren?
Das Thema ist nicht neu und auch nicht unbekannt, aber brandaktuell – und das schon seit Jahren. Es ist ein Thema, das nur zu leicht... Read More
Urban brownfields – more colourful than you might think
If peatlands are the Cinderella of ecosystems, urban brownfields are the ugly duckling: just an interim state, not very aesthetically pleasing and in the end... Read More
Städtische Brachflächen – Farbenfroher als man denkt
Wenn das Moor das Aschenputtel unter den Ökosystemen ist, sind städtische Brachflächen das hässliche Entlein: nichts als eine Art ‚Zwischen-Zustand‘, nicht besonders schön anzusehen, und... Read More
Das Moor: Aschenputtel unter den Ökosystemen
Bei Mooren denken viele als erstes an eine lebensfeindliche Umgebung mit „Herr der Ringe“-Atmosphäre: Nebelschwaden, Moorleichen und fiese Irrlichter, die einen ins Verderben stürzen wollen.... Read More