

No, we did not suddenly change into a food blog. However, in our free time we do not only care about climate, recycling and co., but also enjoy to prepare and particularly to eat food. As with all the other aspects, we thereby try to combine pleasure and environmental awareness as far as possible. The result: usually quite improvised, diversified and definitely highly eatable. So, we thought we should not hide this from you forever!

But enough talking, it’s time for breakfast! For me this usually means oat muesli with fruits or some good (german) bread on the weekends.

However, I like trying alternatives and so I was very pleased about the recipe inspiration of my friend Kathi (no, I am not talking about myself in third person): A super-tasty chia seed muesli. This is not only vegan, but also wheat free and still delivers all power for a perfect start into the day!

Here you go (based on rule of thumb estimate):

  • approx. 250 ml almond milk (alternative: coconut milk, oat milk…)  
  • 2 tsp chia seeds
  • fruits at one’s own choice, e.g. banana, berries, apple…
  • 1 tbsp. nuts and seeds, e.g. chestnuts, pumpkin seeds, roasted buckwheat…
  • cinnamon

Boil up almond milk together with chia seeds. Add sliced fruits and cinnamon and let it cool down a bit (the consistence will become kind of porridge-like). Put some nuts and berries on top – .et voilá – breakfast done!


Photo: Katharina Wystub

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