
Beer, bikes and donkeys

Second post of our Sieben Linden Travel diary – go here to the beginning… or read our full article.

From Leipzig to Sieben Linden – Travel diary – day 2 – Magdeburg 

Arrived safely at the outskirts of Magdeburg (basically in the middle of nowhere…), after cycling around 170 km in total the last two days. Had lots of sun, great nature along the Elbe river and came across donkeys and many drunk men on bikes (yep, men do this here in Germany on so called „Father’s day“). IMAG4251Now having our good night beer, while listening involuntarily to some weird flute music in the only bar we could find here.

Looking forward to arrive at the ecovillage tomorrow. We hope, we can keep you updated then, since one rule there is to switch off mobile phones (and another is only using organic toiletries btw.)

So it stays exciting!

 … go here to day 3… or read our full article.

Photo: facingchange

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