von Leipzig nach Sieben Linden

We’ll be off then: From Leipzig to Sieben Linden

From Leipzig to Sieben Linden – travel diary – day 1 – Ready for take-off

Leipzig-SiebenlindenAfter our excessive restructuring measures on our website, we deserve some holidays (at least we think so). But we wouldn’t be the ecoholics, if we didn’t take this opportunity to explore sustainable way of life. Instead of flying to Mallorca (the Germans most favorite holiday destination), we go to Sieben Linden by bike. This ecovillage is about 220-250 km away from our home base Leipzig (well, depending on exact route and amount of wrong turns we will take…). On the way we will stop in Dessau-Roßlau (which is also place of location of the German ministry of the environment) and Magdeburg.

In Sieben Linden we want to experience, how the residents of the ecovillage organize life sustainable. We are interested in how houses are build and fields are farmed; how social life is shaped and what kind of interesting, creative and crazy ideas people there realized and still plan to.

All this we want to share with you in our travel diary. So, stay tuned!

 … go here to day 2… or read our full article.


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