
Green Household Challenge: Cleaning the Bathroom

As much as I hate it, from time to time the bathroom needs some cleaning. Normally I would use a couple of different cleaning supplies to do the job. This month however, those are off limits. Nonetheless I really need to clean. Luckily I had already prepared a citrus-vinegar cleaning agent a couple of weeks ago, that we included in our recycling-recipe collection – it consists of citrus peels and vinegar. This has now had enough time to incubate and is ready for usage.

After filling the cleaning agent into an old spray bottle and adding some water to it, I’m ready to go. I did the cleaning with a somewhat unusual sponge – dried sponge gourd. This sponge is great for the skin, but also works for cleaning. I bought mine at Echt Unverpackt in Leipzig, but they are also available online.

So let’s get started! My first victim was the tub. This really needed some cleaning, as I had left the window open constantly over the last couple of weeks. I have to say I was in for a positive surprise. Yes, of course some scrubbing was necessary, but I guess that would have been the same for every other cleaning agent, except maybe some very aggressive chemical ones. Finishing off with some cloth and the tub is all shiny again.

On to the sink. After the bathtub, that of course was easy and I’m absolutely happy with the result. But then I looked up – damn, the mirror. I completely forgot about that when planning this month. The cleaning agent I made is not meant for cleaning windows or mirrors. Nonetheless I tried it out, expecting to end up with a smeared mirror. Normally the alcohol in the cleaning agents makes sure it evaporates, and doesn’t leave smears. But, surprise again, the toothpaste stains (which are brown nowadays, but I’ll tell you more about that in a later post) were gone, and there were no streaks to be found.

The final step was the toilet. The spray bottle makes it easy to reach under the rim of the toilet and it can therefore be cleaned just as easy as with normal cleaning agents. Here, too, the cleaning agent exceeded all expectations in terms of cleaning power. I doubt that anyone would notice, that my bathroom was cleaned with anything other than normal cleaning agents. After all the citrus-fragrance is included for free.

I look forward to finding out how the cleaning agent does in the kitchen and with bad stains. Normal dirt and scale are no problem for it in any case.

To be continued…

Photo: Gabor Monori, unsplash.com

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