
Green Household Challenge: Skin

Even though I (luckily) don’t have many issues with my skin, I still need some products for the skin. Normally I would use soap for washing my hands as well as showering. Since I didn’t have enough time to make my own soap, I decided to make shower gel and liquid soap. I also needed some kind of moisturizer.

Shower gel



  • 100g Curd Soap (preferably without palmoil)
  • Water
  • Optional: 2 table spoons of coconut oil
  • Optional: Some drops of essential oil

I cut the curd soap into thin slices and heated it with approximately 500ml water stirring constantly. The curd soap dissolves in the in the water. Stir in coconut and essential oil. As long as it is still warm, the mixture is very thin, but as it cools down it turns into a gel. How much water is needed depends on the type of curd soap used. For me 500ml were not enough and I had to add some water. Afterwards the shower gel is filled into containers. It is good to leave some space in there, so you can fill it up with hot water if the shower gel has gotten to firm again.

The shower gel is very efficient. While the consistency is a bit different than for the shower gel you can buy in the store but not at all unpleasant. You can also add some other ingredients for extra care.

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Liquid Soap


  • 50g Curd Soap
  • 1L Water
  • Optional: Honey
  • Optional: Coconut Oil

For the hand soap I grated the curd soap. Afterwards I dissolved the soap in hot water like I did for the shower gel. Then adding a teaspoon of honey and some coconut oil. Again the consistency of liquid soap develops when the mixture is cooling down. For the soap I also needed to add some extra water. The result I filled into a soap dispenser and there it was!


The ingredients for the moisturizer are particularly simple: coconut oil. Coconut oil is very good for the skin.

For my skin that is all I need. If you have other skin care products you want to replace, leave a replay and maybe I have an idea for you!

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