
Hormones on the skin? No, thanks…

We had a nice and informative evening at a BUND event, dealing with hormonal active substances in cosmetics. However, it was also quite scary to see what toxins we generally put on our skin. Therefore, we brought some alternatives, including lemons, soda or oils. These are not only more healthy for us, but also for the environment and in most cases even for our purse!

It might sound strange at first, but soda is not only very helpful against heartburn, but you can also use it excellently for creating deodorant (and yes, it works! I will tell you more about this in a field report soon). (Organic) Lemons are multi-tasking products as well and can replace facial tonic and peeling as well as chemical cleaning agents for your spring cleaning. Chestnuts can be used for making laundry detergent or shampoo (how this works we will tell you in more detail soon). Depending on your skin-type, you can choose between various pure oils for face and body: almond oil, argan oil or coconut oil are for example very suitable for sensitive, combination skin and even blemished skin. For dry skin you could also use olive oil. A dash of aloe vera gel (which can be obtained directly from the plant) provides the whole thing a bit more moisture; or just use the gel alone to mitigate skin irritation.

Well, and the beer we personally prefer to drink, but in case you won’t finish it: Pour it over your hair!

photo: facingchange

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